
List of Journals Related to Structural Engineering

  1. ACI Materials Journal
  2. ACI Structural Journal
  3. Advances in Cement Research
  4. Advances in Engineering Software
  5. Advances in Structural Engineering
  6. American Concrete Institute (ACI) Materials Journal
  7. American Concrete Institute (ACI) Materials Journal Information
  8. American Concrete Institute (ACI) Structural Journal
  9. Anti-corrosion Methods and Materials
  10. Applied Mechanics Reviews, ASME
  11. Asian Journal of Civil Engineering
  12. Australian Journal of Structural Engineering
  13. Bridge and Structural Engineering, (IABSE)
  14. Bridge Engineering
  15. Building Research Journal
  16. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering
  17. Bridge Structures
  18. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering
  19. Cement and Concrete Composites, Elsevier
  20. Cement and Concrete Research
  21. Civil Engineering
  22. Cement International
  23. Composite Structures
  24. Computers and Concrete
  25. Computers and Structures
  26. Concrete International
  27. Concrete Science and Engineering Journal, Details
  28. Construction and Building Materials, Elsevier Science
  29. Construction Materials
  30. Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics
  31. Electronic Journal of Structural Engineering
  32. Elsevier International Journal of Solids and Structures
  33. Elsevier Journal of Cement and Concrete Research
  34. Elsevier Journal of Marine Structures
  35. Elsevier Journal of Thin-walled Structures
  36. Engineering Computations
  37. Engineering Failure Analysis
  38. Engineering Journal, American Institute of Steel construction
  39. Engineering Structures
  40. Finite Elements in Analysis and Design
  41. Fire Safety Journal
  42. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology
  43. Institution of Civil Engineer’s Virtual Library
  44. International Journal for Computational Civil and Structural Engineering
  45. International Journal of Advanced Steel Construction
  46. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
  47. International Journal of Plasticity
  48. International Journal of Solids and Structures
  49. International Journal of Space Structures
  50. International Journal of Steel Structures
  51. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics
  52. Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology (ACT)
  53. Journal of Applied Mechanics, ASME
  54. Journal of Bridge Engineering
  55. Journal of Composites for Construction
  56. Journal of Constructional Steel Research
  57. Journal of Earthquake Engineering
  58. Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration
  59. Journal of Earthquake and Tsunami
  60. Journal of Engineering Mechanics
  61. Journal of Hazardous Materials
  62. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering
  63. Journal of Polymers and the Environment
  64. Journal of Structural Engineering
  65. Magazine of Concrete Research
  66. Materials and Structures
  67. Materials Technology
  68. Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures
  69. Mechanics of Materials
  70. Metals and Materials International
  71. Natural Hazards
  72. Natural Hazards Review
  73. PCI Journal
  74. Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction
  75. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics
  76. Progress in Structural Engineering and Materials
  77. Reliability Engineering and System Safety
  78. Research in Engineering Design
  79. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
  80. Smart Structures and Systems
  81. Soils and Foundations
  82. Steel and Composite Structures
  83. Steel Construction
  84. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
  85. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering: Maintenance, Management, Life-Cycle Design and Performance
  86. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
  87. Structural Concrete
  88. Structural Control and Health Monitoring
  89. Structural Engineering and Mechanics
  90. Structural Engineering International (SEI)
  91. Structural Safety
  92. Structures and Buildings
  93. The Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings
  94. The Structural Engineer
  95. Thin-Walled Structures
  96. Welding Journal
  97. Wind and Structures

List of Journals Related to Construction Engineering and Management

  1. Aberdeen’s Concrete Construction
  2. Advanced Engineering Informatics
  3. A.I. in Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing
  4. Automation in Construction
  5. Building and Environment
  6. Building Research and Information
  7. Built Environment Project and Asset Management
  8. 8. Canadian Journal for Civil Engineering
  9. Canadian Journal on Environmental, Construction and Civil Engineering
  10. Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems
  11. Civil Engineering Systems
  12. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering
  13. Computing Systems in Engineering
  14. Concrete International, ACI
  15. Construction and Building Materials
  16. Construction Business Review
  17. Construction Equipment
  18. Construction History
  19. Construction Innovation: Information, Process, Management
  20. Construction Management and Economics
  21. Contract Journal
  22. Electronic Journal of Information Technology in Construction
  23. Energy in Buildings
  24. Engineering with Computers
  25. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management
  26. Engineering Management International
  27. Engineering News Record (ENR), McGraw-Hill Co.
  28. Expert Systems with Applications
  29. Human Resource Management
  30. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, IEEE
  31. International Construction
  32. International Journal for Housing Science and its Applications, IAHS
  33. International Journal of Architecture, Engineering and Construction
  34. International Journal of Construction Management
  35. International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making
  36. International Journal of Project Management
  37. International Journal of Public Sector Management
  38. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering
  39. International Journal of 3D Information Modeling
  40. Journal of Civil Engineering and Management
  41. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE
  42. Journal of Conflict Resolution
  43. 43. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, ASCE
  44. Journal of Engineering Valuation and Cost Analysis (ISSN 1024-9559)
  45. Journal of Information Technology in Construction
  46. Journal of Infrastructure Systems, ASCE
  47. Journal of Management in Engineering, ASCE
  48. Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, ASCE
  49. Journal of Urban Planning and Management, ASCE
  50. Microcomputers in Civil Engineering, Elsevier
  51. Practice Periodical on Structural Design and Construction, ASCE, Const. Division & Str. Division
  52. Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers: Construction Materials
  53. Professional Ethics
  54. Project Management Journal, PMI
  55. Public Budgeting and Finance
  56. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering
  57. The TQM Journal

List of Journals Related to Engineering Education

  1. Computers in Education (The COED Journal) (Division of ASEE Transactions), ASEE
  2. International Journal of Applied Engineering Education
  3. International Journal of Continuing Engineering Education
  4. Journal of Engineering Education, ASEE
  5. Journal of Professional Issues in Engineering Education and Practice, ASCE
  6. Journal of Sustainable Development, Canadian Center of Science and Education

Journals SCOPUS Indexing and Impact Factors

List of SCOPUS Indexed Journals – October 2017

List of Journal Impact Factors – 2018